Spirited Bangladesh, by Shahnaz Parvin

The photograph was taken at the Ekushey Book Fair of 2013, the month long festival of February where Bangladesh celebrates its Mother Language Movement of 1952, inspired by which the International Mother Language Day is observed all over the world. Here two of the greatest Bengalee poet’s words are written in golden letter. The upper lyric says, “Tell your mind, good or bad apart, accept the truth with ease”. It’s by Rabindranath Tagore, the first non-European to win the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1913. The second one is by Fakhir Lalon Shah, the Baul Saint of Bengal. Truly they are GOLDEN WORDS. These, like prayers, have inspired Bangladesh in times of crisis and cry.

Spirited Bangladesh, by Shahnaz Parvin

Technical Info: Canon Eos Kiss X4 | Exposure f/3.4 @ 1/160sec | Focal length 35mm | ISO 400
Award Winner: Photo of the Day | February 07
Award Score: 67 (Value 13, Clarity 13, Composition 17, Style 12, Skill 12)

Title of the photograph: Spirited Bangladesh
Photo of the Day Award Category: Artistic Photography
Photograph Location: Ekushey Book Fair of 2013, Shahbagh, Dhaka | Bangladesh

Photographer: Shahnaz Parvin (Dhaka, Bangladesh) Registered
Shahnaz Parvin was an Award-Winning Photo Journalist. She was a passionate Bangalee, and used to reside in Bangladesh, until she passed away at the age of 32 on August 14, 2016. She was one of the best photographers of her time, who has been within top 10 of world’s top 100 photographers for last few years. Her real passion was in photography and learning it. Shahnaz mostly loved documentary photography, and loved to represent her country Bangladesh through her lens. With the highest number of Photo of the Month and Photo of the Day Awards, Shahnaz joined Light and Composition as Contributing Photographer from March 2013. Covering upheaval, conflict, places, people, and culture, she was one of the top most contributors from South Asia until 2015.

Website: http://www.shahnazparvin.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/shahnaz.parvin007
Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/spark_bd
Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/ksparvin/
StumbleUpon: http://www.stumbleupon.com/spark-bd/
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Google+: https://plus.google.com/spark-bd/

2 replies
  1. Neel sengupta
    Neel sengupta says:

    Thinking and selection of the subject is most vital part in photography, or Art of photography…this simple but strong wall words depict a ventilation of mental condition..I think so.great work with a simple weapon.


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