Le Persiane, by Sébastien Beun
That picture was taken on a sunny afternoon in San Gimignano, Tuscany, Italy. These mid-closed shutters are found on almost every building of Tuscany and, combined with the massive medieval brown stone walls, are part of what makes Tuscan cities and villages so particular and picturesque. Through history and particularly in the Middle Ages and Renaissance, in addition to sun protection, these wooden shutters helped people to keep their interiors, their actions, their conversations unknown to strangers…

Canon EOS 5D Mark II | Exposure 1/125sec @ f/9 | Focal length 130mm | ISO 200
Le Persiane, by Sébastien Beun
Award Winner: Photo of the Day | October 05
Award Score: 66 (Value 12, Clarity 13, Composition 16, Style 13, Skill 13)
Photo of the Day Award Category: Architectural Photography
Photograph Location: San Gimignano, Tuscany | Italy
Photographer: Sébastien Beun (Thuin, Belgium) Registered
Sébastien Beun is a Belgian based amateur photographer born in 1981. He came into photography at the age of 12. Sébastien bought his first single lens reflex and made his first attempts to develop black and white negatives and prints after having discovered his father’s old material in the attic. Few years later he bought more modern dark room material, and over the course of time moved into digital photography eventually. Today he takes digital photographs of everything that touches him. He keeps his dark room material in his attic, as he believes one day he can show how that works to his own son.
Website: http://www.sebastienbeunphotography.net
Portfolio: http://sebastienbeun.smugmug.com
Google+: https://plus.google.com/100488873649283094827
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/seb.bee.9
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ssebb_b
Very nice