The Finger Paintshop, by Ashik Masud
They make most of these pots with their bare hands. They also take the help of a revolving wheel, which is made of wood or metal, to make these pots into different shapes and designs. The potter throws the kneaded clay into the center of the wheel rounding it off, and then spins the wheel. As the whirling gathers momentum, the potter begins to shape the clay. When it is over he severs the shaped clay from the rest.

Nikon D60 | Exposure 1/100s @ f/4 | ISO 1600 | Focal Length 70mm
The Finger Paintshop, by Ashik Masud
Award Winner: Photo of the Day | October 28
Award Score: 51 (Value 10, Clarity 11, Composition 09, Style 11, Skill 10)
Photo of the Day Award Category: Still Life Photography
Photograph Location: Paul Para, Shimulia, Savar | Bangladesh
Photographer: Ashik Masud (Dhaka, Bangladesh) Registered
Ashik Masud is a passionate shutter bug, lives in Dhaka, Bangladesh, specializing in people with a style consisting of colorful and energetic imagery. Ashik mostly loves documentary photography, and loves to represent his country through his viewfinder. In professional life, he is an IT Professional. He likes to photograph people in their interaction with the world surrounding them and think photography is a wonderful medium to connect with people with respect and discover their cultures. He is a self-taught, and believes the best way to learn is to just do it.
Wow. . nyc presentation, Ashik.. Nd congr8s :)