Lost in His Own World, by Shahnaz Parvin

When I took his photograph, it seemed he was lost in his own world, leaving behind the life he lives in orphanage. May be he was trying to forget the straggle they face in the orphanage every day. Most of them are between 2 to 9 years of age. Do you know they only have one or two cloths to wear? And when there is not enough food for all, they have to ask the community to help them, going door to door to collect rice. Back home they do not have parents; their relatives sent them here and barely ever call, or take them back. I was invited to their little world by their teachers to see how they live. Their teachers are just like them, elders from this same orphanage. In the so called secular society, they are neglected, not because they are orphan but because of what they study, Quran and Islamic teaching. People only recall them when someone in the family die, or need to study Quran! Have you ever thought for a moment, and realized that these orphans around you in your own community are actually a test for you from Almighty Allah. And if our modern education influences us to neglect these orphans, for what they are learning, then sooner or later people would know the truth, and questioned this secular ideology, so would our future generation.

Lost in His Own World, by Shahnaz Parvin

Canon EOS Kiss X with 30mm | Exposure 1/100sec @ f/3.5 | ISO 800 | Focal Length 30mm
Lost in His Own World, by Shahnaz Parvin

Award Winner: Photo of the Day | July 11
Award Score: 67 (Value 12, Clarity 12, Composition 18, Style 12, Skill 13)
Photo of the Day Award Category: Candid Photography
Photograph Location: Dhaka | Bangladesh

Photographer: Shahnaz Parvin (Dhaka, Bangladesh) Registered
Shahnaz Parvin was an Award-Winning Photo Journalist. She was a passionate Bangalee, and used to reside in Bangladesh, until she passed away at the age of 32 on August 14, 2016. She was one of the best photographers of her time, who has been within top 10 of world’s top 100 photographers for last few years. Her real passion was in photography and learning it. Shahnaz mostly loved documentary photography, and loved to represent her country Bangladesh through her lens. With the highest number of Photo of the Month and Photo of the Day Awards, Shahnaz joined Light and Composition as Contributing Photographer from March 2013. Covering upheaval, conflict, places, people, and culture, she was one of the top most contributors from South Asia until 2015.

Website: http://www.shahnazparvin.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/shahnaz.parvin007
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