A Defensive Stare and Stand-off by Martin Meyer
Reverred in Africa as unpredictable and a formidable adversary, the African buffalo is a very robust species. Tracking this herd for the morning allowed us to come in really close on this sighting, which is always adrenaline pumping especially being surrounded by such a wandering herd. The old male decided that we had spent enough time photographing his haarem, and silently sent us the message to move on, with a long uninterrupted stare! Other than humans, African buffalo have few predators and are capable of defending themselves against (and killing) lions.

Nikon D80 with Nikkor 240mm | Exposure 1/160 @ f/5.6 | Focal Length 200mm
A Defensive Stare and Stand-off, by Martin Meyer
Award Winner: Photo of the Day | December 06
Photo of the Day Award Category: Wildlife Photography
Photograph Location: Sabi Sand Game Reserve, Mpumalanga | South Africa
Photographer: Martin Meyer (Cape Town, South Africa when not on safari )
Martin and Nicole Meyer (nee Schuttelaars) have been developing their unique brand of photographic, private safari’s and stock photography products and brand since July 2008. Basing their family in Cape Town, South Africa has seen this dynamic couple realize their dream of ‘thinking local and acting global’. Having amalgamated their core businesses they have a multi-faceted approach to their unique wellness safari’s, photographic galleries, publications and team-building business, offering a completely customized safari based business packages.
Martin is a qualified DEAT / FGASA field guide and internationally accredited Emergency Responder with extensive experience in leading 4WD safaris throughout Southern Africa as well as in the game parks of Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda. He has been active in establishing new routes and locations for various safari companies, has led photo safaris in Botswana, Namibia, Zambia and Zimbabwe. He has also guided scuba trips on the island of Zanzibar. Martin is thoroughly knowledgeable about all aspects of southern Africa’s natural history and fascinating cultures. His people skills and the love of the outdoors have made him a very sought after guide.
Website: http://www.martinmeyer.co.za
Blog: http://www.martinmeyer.co.za/dailyphoto
Twitter: http://twitter.com/martinmeyercoza
It’s “Revered”; with one r.
They’re beautiful. Being raised in Canada for their milk, to be made into mozarella cheese.