The Key of Hope, by Yousef Deeb
I met this elderly man in al Shate’a Camp in Gaza, where I went on a tour to build some documentary project. As you can see, he was holding a key, this key belongs to 1948. He claimed that it is the key of his house, which had been extorted from him by Israeli forces. Till now he still clings to his memories as much as to faith and hope.

Canon EOS 20D | Exposure 1/125sec @ f/5 | Focal Length 75 mm | ISO 400
The Key of Hope, by Yousef Deeb
Award Winner: Photo of the Day | November 24
Award Score: 72 (Value 13, Clarity 13.5, Composition 18, Style 14, Skill 13.5)
Photo of the Day Award Category: Documentary Photography
Photograph Location: al Shate’a Camp, Gaza | Palestine
Photographer: Yousef Deeb (Gaza, Palestine) Registered
Yousef Deeb is a passionate photographer, lives in Gaza, Palestine. He works as a photographer in Zain Pannet website and for a French press agency. He is spending his career life perusing the smile, moments, and features on people faces from his country. All what he wants is the world knows about him, that he’s a young Palestinian guy who working hard to demonstrate the beauty of his beloved country despite of the non-stop war since ten years ago, and to convey that how those people deserve to live in peace.
we never know in what situation this older man and baby lived in. beautiful photo.
I thinkis very well expressed and unique style