Let’s Pray for Peace, by Shahnaz Parvin
Place may be different, time may be different, color may be diffident, but the way for accepting prayers in the eyes of Almighty, is only one. And for rest of the world, who are not truly submissive yet, the word “prayer” is also well known to them, in fact well known to all, so let’s pray for peace.

Canon EOS Kiss X4 | Focal Length: 171 mm | Exposure: f/5.6 , 1/16 s | ISO 400
Let’s Pray for Peace, by Shahnaz Parvin
Award Winner: Photo of the Day | June 27
Award Score: 54.5 (Value 11, Clarity 10.5, Composition 11, Style 11.5, Skill 10.5)
Photo of the Day Award Category: Islamic Photography
Photograph Location: River Buriganga, Dhaka | Bangladesh
Photographer: Shahnaz Parvin (Dhaka, Bangladesh) Registered
Shahnaz Parvin was an Award-Winning Photo Journalist. She was a passionate Bangalee, and used to reside in Bangladesh, until she passed away at the age of 32 on August 14, 2016. She was one of the best photographers of her time, who has been within top 10 of world’s top 100 photographers for last few years. Her real passion was in photography and learning it. Shahnaz mostly loved documentary photography, and loved to represent her country Bangladesh through her lens. With the highest number of Photo of the Month and Photo of the Day Awards, Shahnaz joined Light and Composition as Contributing Photographer from March 2013. Covering upheaval, conflict, places, people, and culture, she was one of the top most contributors from South Asia until 2015.
Website: http://www.shahnazparvin.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/shahnaz.parvin007
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