Catherine Hill Bay Jetty by Leanne Lindsay

Dive into the rich history and weathered beauty of Wallarah Jetty at Catherine Hill Bay through this compelling photograph. With roots dating back to 1867 when coal was first discovered after the Catherine Hill schooner incident, this jetty has seen the rise and fall of coal mining operations. The New Wallsend Company played a pivotal role, establishing the jetty and opening the mine, marking its first shipment on December 17, 1873. As Wallarah and Moonee collieries closed, the jetty ceased operations in 2002, with maintenance costs reaching $200,000 annually for Lake Coal.

Despite enduring the ravages of time, the jetty’s steel and concrete structure held strong through the 2013 bushfires, although timber sections suffered damage. This photograph captures a poignant moment in history as the original piers of the jetty gracefully disintegrate into the ocean. The image reflects not only the passage of time but also the enduring spirit of a once-thriving industrial landmark. Join me in exploring the weathered charm and historical significance of Wallarah Jetty, a place that has long held a spot on my photography bucket list.

Nikon Z7ii | Sigma Art 24-70mm @ 24mm | f4 | Exposure 1/640 sec| ISO 100

Catherine Hill Bay Jetty by Leanne Lindsay

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Photo of the Day

Award Date
August 28, 2023



Value 12.5
Clarity 12.5
Composition 17
Style 12
Skill 12

Born in Adelaide in 1962, Leanne Lindsay’s family moved to Sydney when she was 12 years old. She was gifted her first camera for her 21st birthday but a break-in saw her precious camera stolen just 3 years later. It was only in her late 50s she was able to afford to replace it and now in her 60s she has discovered a passion that was sadly lost many years ago. She now photographs families and newborns but enjoys architectural photography and landscapes in particular.

Current Location
Sydney, Australia







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