Paulista Avenue in B&W by Adriano Mor

B&W of low exposure, dense shadows, well-defined shapes, and contrast was modeled for my city, not me. The gray of the concrete, the lifeless modernist architecture without human ornaments transforming São Paulo and the world into an immense monolith can only be expressed with dramatic images. Like this photograph taken at Paulista Avenue, where the human factor is reduced, and even the sun’s heat finds it difficult to describe his nature.

Fujifilm X-PRO 3 with Lens XF 16-80mm | Exposure 1/60s @ f/22 | ISO 1000 | Focal Length 16mm

Paulista Avenue in B&W by Adriano Mor

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Photo of the Day

Award Date
May 15, 2023



Value 11
Clarity 11
Composition 16
Style 11
Skill 11

Street photographer of the largest city in the southern hemisphere of the planet, Adriano Mor, seeks in his work the purest authentic identity of Brazilian streets, both in large metropolises and in small towns. Born in Birigüi, a small town in the State of São Paulo, he has lived in the capital of São Paulo for ten years, where his interest is to portray the authentic essence – unspoken – of Brazil’s culture, expression, and customs.

Current Location
São Paulo, Brazil



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