How to Fly a Kite by Derya Yazar Atasever

Erciyes Mountain in Kayseri is very magnificent. There is snow on it in summer and winter. The places around this mountain make people happy to travel and explore nature. Hörmetçi Village is one of these places. Two brothers and their families came here. They picnicked together. They played games. Big boy teaching his brother how to fly a kite. They are enjoying this moment together.

Nikon D810 with 24-70mm f/2.8 | Exposure 1/160sec @ f/22 | ISO 100 | Focal Length 48mm

How to Fly a Kite by Derya Yazar Atasever

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Award Winner
Photo of the Day

Award Date
May 22, 2023



Value 12.5
Clarity 12.5
Composition 18
Style 13
Skill 13

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Derya Yazar Atasever, a Master of Fine Arts and EFIAP, was born in 1971 in Erzurum, Turkey. She currently resides in Cappadocia with her husband and son. In addition to being an expert in Health Management, she is also an accomplished expert in Fine Arts and a retired nurse.

Derya Yazar Atasever is actively involved in the international photography community, serving as a jury member in photography competitions, developing social responsibility projects, and teaching photography. She also represents the mission of photography in Cappadocia. Derya Yazar Atasever completed her thesis on the “Usage Fields and Historical Development of Photography in the Health Sector”. She has experience administering “Art Therapy” to patients with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.

Current Location
Nevsehir, Turkey


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