What Should I Do with My Life by Keith Goldstein

I was spending a quiet evening at home. I went into the bedroom to see what my wife was doing. There she was lying on the bed reading this book. I was struck by the title – “What Should I Do with My Life” and ran to get my camera. She gave me only one chance to take this photo.

What Should I Do With My Life by Keith Goldstein

Leica M8 with Leitz Elmar-C 90mm F4 | Exposure 1/20sec @ f/4 | ISO 640

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Photo of the Day

Award Date
March 8, 2023



Value 13
Clarity 13
Composition 18
Style 12
Skill 12

After receiving his MFA in Photography, Keith Goldstein moved back to New York City and began, through a course of personal experiences, to unravel everything that he knew and was for the next 15 years of his life. Keith has been exhibiting his work since 1980. His work has been published in many publications including – ABC News Australia, Now Public, Flak Magazine, JPEG Magazine, File Magazine, Snaps Magazine, SHOTS, Boulevard, Mercury Records, Diversion Magazine, Cadillac Motors, I Magazine, Penquin/Putnam, Simon & Shuster, St. Martin’s Press, and on many book covers. Keith’s tools to finding his place and exploring his feelings towards the world have always been simple – one camera and a couple of lenses. “Being unencumbered does allow you the most freedom”, he says. Keith has been making his living as fine art photographer, a stock shooter, a corporate event photographer, and a photo editor.

Current Location
New York, New York, USA






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