Tag Archive for: The United States

Road by Olga Kulemina
This picture was taken in the Denver Botanic Gardens. The road in the park was made with black pebbles. It is a nice example of work with natural materials. The shape of the pebble helps to create a beautiful composition that changes under the sunlight. So every minute you have a new art illusion.

Bee by Olga Kulemina
Sometimes, people choose something according to the appearance of things only. They forget about the true filling inside events, things, and persons. But the little bee in this picture knows that this common pink flower with huge protected thorns can bring sweet delicious nectar for those who trust to their open hearts.

Styled with Confidence by Irina Liebmann
This boy was on a swim team with my daughter. When I saw him playing with other kids as they were catching bugs between their swimming events, I knew he would look amazing on a photograph. I just had to find his mom to ask her permission to photograph her son. I am glad she allowed!