Waiting by Evdokiya Witwicki

The photo was taken in the old garden in Geneva on 02/28/2020. These were the last happy days before the COVID crisis, border closures and long separation from family and friends. There was anxiety and a feeling of uncertainty in the air, tense anticipation and hope that no matter what, everything would be fine. An old, muddy, but beloved and in its own way dear lantern – as a symbol of a long wait in the same place, a symbol of static.

Photo of the day 27112020 1n

Canon EOS 6D with 50mm | Exposure 1/2500sec @ f/1.8 | ISO 100 | Focal Length 50mm

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Award Winner
Photo of the Day

Award Date
August 27, 2022



Value 12
Clarity 11
Composition 15
Style 11
Skill 11

Award Category
Still Life Photography

Photograph Location
Geneva, Switzerland

She was born in Moscow 35 years ago. She works like the photographer and teacher of art lessons at the schools and kid gardens. She likes to travel. The most lovely her places are mountains and sea. She likes to make photo of nature, mountains, sea, trees, birds and kids, animals, old gardens and houses, emotional portraits of people and reportages.

Current Location
Russia, Moscow



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