Berry Yoghurt Parfait by Muneer Majeed

Once I started with my personal photo projects, the one thing that annoyed me to no end is my absolute lack of cooking skills. I am absolutely jealous of those photographers who can cook and take great photos. So I had to go back to the drawing board and rethink my strategy. If I could not make those elaborate dishes, let me start with something simple and after researching no-bake, no fry, no-cook items I present to you my very own creation.

Photo of the day 29112020 1n

Canon EOS80D with EF-S 60mm | Exposure 1/200sec @ f/4.5 | ISO 100 | Focal Length 60mm

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Award Winner
Photo of the Day

Award Date
August 29, 2022



Value 12
Clarity 13
Composition 18
Style 12
Skill 13

Award Category
Food Photography

Photograph Location
Sharjah, the United Arab Emirates

A food photographer because of his love for the craft, Muneer Majeed started his journey photographing delicacies in 2018 after leaving his 11-year job as an in-house Graphic Design/Branding supervisor and Photographer for a Bathroom supply company and now works as a Licensed Commercial Photographer in the UAE. When he is not photographing tasty dishes (especially Biryani’s as he has a major weakness for them), he does landscape photography during the weekends if the weather is good and works with companies, both large and small helping them in getting the images they use on their e-commerce website look spic and span.

Current Location
Dubai, the United Arab Emirates




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