Daylight by Kirsten Bruening

It is said that every person will visit Piccadilly Circus once in his life. But you could also say that everyone will travel to Paris once in their life to stand in front of this exact spot and have a photograph taken of themselves, the light falling on their face from the front and the photograph subsequently showing a shadow around a section of this clock.

daylight by Kirsten Bruening

Nikon Z7 with 24-70mm | Exposure f/6.3 @ 1/630 sec | ISO 800

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Award Winner
Photo of the Day

Award Date
April 28, 2022



Value 12
Clarity 12
Composition 18
Style 13
Skill 13

Award Category
Artistic Photography

Photograph Location
Museum Orsay, Paris, France

Kirsten Bruening is an amateur photographer and lives near Cologne. Her passion for photography started in her childhood and she spent many years exploring analogue photography. After a long break of fifteen years, she returned to photography. She loves black and white photography in nature, portraiture, and wildlife. She believes nothing can convey more expression to emotions and beauty than the play of light and shadow. She plans an extra-occupational study in photography and wants to deepen her knowledge.

Current Location
Cologne, Germany


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