Shinjuku by Morgan Price-King

When in Shinjuku in October this year, I decided to wonder away from the main square and found this spot. I chose the shot due to the horizontal lines running parallel in the picture naturally leading you towards the focal point of the shot, with most people not initially spotting Godzilla hidden among the buildings.

Photo of the day 24072020 1n

Canon EOS 750D | ISO 140 | Exposure f/2.8 @ 1/500sec | Focal Length 95 mm

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Award Winner
Photo of the Day

Award Date
July 24, 2020



Value 11
Clarity 11
Composition 15
Style 11
Skill 10

Award Category
Street Photography

Photograph Location
Shinjuku, Tokyo, Japan

Morgan Price-King was born in England and 28 years old. He is studying for a master degree in Sports Medicine. He enjoys travelling the world and capturing new cultures and landscapes whilst appreciating what is on his doorstep when it comes to beautiful landscapes around London. He has recently visited cities including Tokyo, New York, Lisbon and Paris with planned trips to Edinburgh, Venice and Copenhagen coming up.

Current Location
London, England


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