Manhatta by Keith Goldstein

Every job I have ever had, has never offered vantage points to view the city much differently than ground level. It wasn’t until I accepted a position in a company that was located in the upper floors of a huge building in the financial district that I began to view things anew. What was more intriguing than the view, was watching the ever changing play of light and shadow on the urban landscape through the day and the seasons.

This series took further meaning when the company I work for, move uptown into a famous iconic building. I am now more than twenty floors up, looking out on views and light that I have never experienced from street level. The work I mostly concentrate on is at street level where I document closeup interactions with people using a wide angle lens. This new view has me as a witness to atmosphere, light, shadow, and geometry I’ve only dreamed about. I now utilize a long telephoto lens to compress space. To pick out slices of geometry and light. In this “Homage to Manhatta”, inspired by the film of Paul Strand and Charles Sheeler, I let myself not be bound by the technical qualities of optics. I let myself interject my own feelings on a somewhat pictorialist view.

Photo of the day 16122020 1n

Olympus Pen-F | Exposure 1/1250 @ f/11| ISO 4000 | Focal Length 343mm (35mm)

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Photo of the Day

Award Date
December 16, 2020



Value 12
Clarity 12
Composition 18
Style 12
Skill 12

After receiving his MFA in Photography, Keith Goldstein moved back to New York City and began, through a course of personal experiences, to unravel everything that he knew and was for the next 15 years of his life. Keith has been exhibiting his work since 1980. His work has been published in many publications including – ABC News Australia, Now Public, Flak Magazine, JPEG Magazine, File Magazine, Snaps Magazine, SHOTS, Boulevard, Mercury Records, Diversion Magazine, Cadillac Motors, I Magazine, Penquin/Putnam, Simon & Shuster, St. Martin’s Press, and on many book covers. Keith’s tools to finding his place and exploring his feelings towards the world have always been simple – one camera and a couple of lenses. “Being unencumbered does allow you the most freedom”, he says. Keith has been making his living as fine art photographer, a stock shooter, a corporate event photographer, and a photo editor.

Current Location
New York, New York, USA






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