Grilled Prawns by Diep Tran

Grilled prawn is the easiest and fastest dish to cook when you don’t have much time. Just need to marinate prawns with fish sauce and pepper for 10 minutes before cooking. Onion cooked in the hot oil is another choice if you like more flavour of onion. I photographed the food from the top to show all the colors of prawns and onion which could make the food more appealing.

Photo of the day 15122020 1n

Canon 5D Mark III | Exposure 0.3 sec @ f/9 | ISO 200 | Focal length 50mm

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Award Winner
Photo of the Day

Award Date
December 15, 2020



Value 12.5
Clarity 13
Composition 18
Style 13
Skill 12.5

Award Category
Food Photography

Photograph Location
Nha Trang, Vietnam

Born in Viet Nam and now living in Brisbane, Australia, Diep Tran enjoys taking photos of simple things around the house, during travel and asking relatives and friends to be her models.Recently her interest has focused on the art of pure photography, the effects of light and shade and the correct time of day relevant to the shot. This has broadened her mind in the creative side of photography.

Her buddhist upbringing taught her to appreciate the beauty and quality of life in natural and man made objects around the world. After travelling to a few countries and observing different climates, seasons and ways of living, her outlook on photo has improved and her presentations hopefully show that aspect in her work.

Current Location
Brisbane, Australia



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