Sushi for Lunch, by Bashar Alaeddin
I’m a huge fan of sushi, so when a local asian restaurant commissioned me to photograph some of their dishes for an advertising campaign, I jumped at the opportunity. Standing with the chef while he prepared the dish, we used the precise fish eggs to keep the color palette simple and complimentary. The light green of the wasabi and pinkish hues of the salmon I believe worked well together and the red fish-eggs in the lemon was the chef’s idea which I also believe worked well.

Canon 7D with 17-55mm IS USM | Exposure: f/4.5 at 1/80sec | ISO 100 | Focal Length 55mm
Sushi for Lunch, by Bashar Alaeddin
Award Winner: Photo of the Day | March 27
Award Score: 68 (Value 12, Clarity 12, Composition 18, Style 13, Skill 13)
Photo of the Day Award Category: Food Photography
Photograph Location: Vinaigrette Restaurant in Amman | Jordan
Photographer: Bashar Alaeddin (Amman, Jordan) Registered
Born in Kuwait City, lived between Jordan and Lebanon most of his life, Bashar has over 9yrs experience in digital photography since he picked it up as a hobby for a course during his university years. Starting from a 2mp Samsung, he is now the founder of a photography & video studio based in Amman, Jordan where his time is split between his commercial day job photographing food, interior, products and portraits; and his night-time job traveling around the middle-east region capturing landscapes, the culture and his favorite genre, long-exposures of the night-sky. He is an amateur astronomer and tried to combine that with his love of photographs showcasing the beauty of the Arabian landscapes under starry nights.
Tasty photo and I bet the suchi is as well.