The Most Sacred Place, by Ahmed Al.Badawy
This was my first visit to Al-Masjid al-Haram, the most sacred place in the world. It was 1am, a typical night around the Ka’aba. Muslims worldwide turn towards Ka’aba, as unique direction while offering daily prayers. Late at night, when it’s almost empty, it was a good opportunity to see the people’s behavior surrounds the Ka’aba, and observed their reactions closely. You can see some people were overtaken by emotion and love, that they simply can’t resist rushing towards the Ka’bah and clinging onto the cloth, crying and kissing it with respect, remembering Ibrahim (A.S.), remembering the teaching of Mohammad (Pbuh), the messenger of Allah, that they have followed throughout their life. They are not worshiping it, rather feeling the connection to it. And those who are strong in their understanding, praying the night prayers, or performing a tawaf. To me it’s almost impossible to describe this photo without considering people’s feelings there, especially when I was sharing the same feelings.

Canon S90 | Exposure 1/10sec @ f/4.9 | ISO 100 | Focal Length 22.5mm
The Most Sacred Place, by Ahmed Al.Badawy
Award Winner: Photo of the Month | 31st Month | 3rd Place, Photo of the Day | December 14
Award Score: 68 (Value 12.5, Clarity 12.5, Composition 17.5, Style 12.5, Skill 13)
Photo of the Day Award Category: Islamic Photography
Photograph Location: Makkah | Saudi Arabia
Photographer: Ahmed Al.Badawy (Mansoura, Egypt) Registered
Ahmed Mohammed Albadawy, Architect and Photographer. Born in Mansoura, Egypt, in 1985. He is one of the founders of Gozour, architecture and design studio “”. Ahmed started his photography career in April 2010. His photography perspective grows up dramatically with Architecture. From historical places his photography found it’s character and features. “Do what you like by the way you like, and ignore the complexity of the world” is one of simple principals in his life. He believes great talents can come from the simplicity of surrounding things and people are always good partners to feel his talents.
Well, a picture will be a picture….And, yes, it can be staged….Actually, it is staged and the real merit of the photographer is quite little, as the angle of this photo is an ordinary one and it it hadn’t been for the lights and colors and the architecture itself, it wouldn’t have been anything remarkable. But what is actually remarkable is the message of the picture. All those people, together, reunited by their faith in Allah and in the words of Prophet Muhammad (pboh) mean a lot, not only to muslims but to whoever watches such a procession. It’s quite impressive…Besides, nobody obliges people to do the pilgrimage to Mecca, it’s not a must yet a should. So those pilgrims do the Haji or the Umerah out of their free will….following their inner call to this place.
That’s what I consider great…this message of strong faith in the power of Allah the Almighty….