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69 search results for: Nirupam Roy


In the Pair-matching, by Nirupam Roy

On the beaches of Bay of Bengal in West Bengal, especially in Talsari and Bakkhali, one can find the red crabs in uncounted numbers at the time of evening. Perhaps it comes out from the hole to take cozy sunbath. But they are very sensitive. They just put themselves into the hole on the beach […]


Riders of the Sea, by Nirupam Roy

The shot is taken in Udaypur sea beach in New Digha in West Bengal at around 5.40 a.m., when the local fisher men were going to the sea to put the ‘Sareen’ (a traditional and popular way of fishing) on the Sea as it is their occupation to maintain their family. At that time they […]


Animated, by Nirupam Roy

The shot was taken by Canon PowerShot SX 40HS in the earlier time in my photography career. At that time the concentration was on the wild life and specially on the common kingfishers and their different animations and activities. This was the result of that fascination. Award Winner: Photo of the Day | March 25 […]

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