Tag Archive for: New York

Photo of the day 16022013 1

Top of the Rock by Stephanie Gillis

This photo was taken on top of the Rockefeller Center in New York City at sunset. I got the chance to travel to New York City on my 18th birthday (May 12, 2012). I've always wanted to have my own skyline photo and since NYC is so beautiful at…
She Looked at Me

As She Looked at Me, by Keith Goldstein

My 6 year old son and I usually walk home from his school when I pick him up. I always have my camera by my side. I never know what I will see or catch my son as he gazes in various shop windows checking things out. We were walking by a shop…
Barking 2, by Keith Goldstein

Barking 2, by Keith Goldstein

Tad Yamashiro was one of three wonderful mentors I had within my photographic education. Tad was originally the assistant to Diane and Allen Arbus when they had their commercial photo studio before separating and following their own artistic…
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