Tag Archive for: Mercedes Noriega

Bullfight, by Mercedes Noriega
This photograph was taken at Barcelona, Spain. I am definitely against bullfighting after I witnessed with own eyes how every single bull that enters the stadium is drop dead…so sad…unfortunately, this bull on the photo was also killed but…

Silence Pact, by Mercedes Noriega
This picture was taken at Lake Namtso, Tibet. I was walking around the place when I suddenly run into these two siblings. I played with them for some time until I realized they were imitating everything I did cause of our language barrier. I…

At 5 Km/H by Mercedes Noriega
This photograph was taken at Mechita, a small and desolated town 80 km away from Buenos Aires city. It was a Sunday evening and no one was around these old wagons, which have been abandoned for almost 30 years now. Still, the km sign looked…