Crows at Gaziantep by Ilyas Yilmaz

Again, a photo I took during the snow disaster we experienced in Gaziantep in the winter of 2022. The crows’ search for something to eat but not being able to find it due to the snow and their hunger cries woke me up one morning. i hope they are fine now

Canon 250D with Youngnuo 50mm Lens, f/18 ISO400 1/60sec

Crows at Gaziantep by Ilyas Yilmaz

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Award Winner
Photo of the Day

Award Date
November 13, 2023



Value 12
Clarity 13
Composition 18
Style 13
Skill 12

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Ilyas Yilmaz is a Turkish teacher and photographer based in Gaziantep, Turkey. With a Canon 250D and a collection of lenses including the Canon 18-55mm, Canon 24mm pancake, and Youngnuo 50mm, Ilyas captures captivating moments whenever possible. His passion for teaching and photography fuels his desire to convey stories and evoke emotions through his art.

Current Location
Gaziantep, Turkey


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