Walking in Moscow by Aleksey Kogan

On August 23, my birthday, my wife and I went to Moscow, just for a walk. It was such a wonderful gift from her for my birthday. The weather that day was wonderful. Walking along the embankment, I saw a cloud in the form of a huge funnel over the Stalin building. It was magical, very beautiful, and exciting and I wanted to share what I saw with you.

Сanon EOS 4000D with 75-300mm | Exposure 1/200sec @ f/10 | ISO 100 | Focal Length 85 mm

Walking in Moscow by Aleksey Kogan

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Award Winner
Photo of the Day

Award Date
January 31, 2023



Value 12
Clarity 13
Composition 18
Style 13
Skill 12

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Aleksey Kogan is from Nizhniy Novgorod in Russia. He works as a salesman in a sporting goods store. He has been engaged in photography for only a few years and this hobby has become his life. He does street and architecture photography. His work is without any stage and studio filming, he find everything and photograph life itself in all its manifestations.

Current Location
Nizhny Novgorod, Russia



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