A Hidden Beauty by Snehil Sourabh

I took this photo while I was out for micro photography with my Canon SX420 IS digital camera. I love micro photography, which is why I customized the lens for this purpose. While searching for an arthropod, I came across this spider hiding behind the leaves of a plant. As I enjoy taking photos of spiders, I captured this shot.

Canon PowerShot SX420 IS | Exposure f/5.6 @ 1/160sec | ISO 400 | Focal Length 56mm

A Hidden Beauty by Snehil Sourabh

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Award Winner
Photo of the Day

Award Date
January 3, 2023



Value 11
Clarity 12
Composition 18
Style 12
Skill 11

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Snehil Sourabh is a talented artist and photographer based in Varanasi, India. Whether it’s a fashion shoot, a wedding ceremony, or a product launch, Snehil’s passion for photography shines through in every project he undertakes. With his unparalleled talent and commitment, he is undoubtedly a rising star in the world of photography.

Current Location
Varanasi, India



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