Backstage Flirting by Ignacio Amenábar

In Isla de Maipo, Chile there is a festival that takes place every year in commemoration of the “Virgen de la Merced”. During this celebration, different types of local and emblematic Chilean characters parade. After the main street where the parade was taking place, I found this couple of huasos flirting with their horses.

SONY SLT-A57 | Exposure 1/2000sec @ f/4 | Focal Length 22mm | ISO 400

Backstage Flirting by Ignacio Amenábar

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Award Winner
Photo of the Day

Award Date
February 9, 2023



Value 11
Clarity 12
Composition 17
Style 12
Skill 11

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Ignacio Amenábar Ladrón de Guevara was born in Santiago de Chile in December 1986. His mother was an illustrator, his father a publicist, his great-grandfather a painter, and his grandfather a photographer. Probably these family influences led him to be a graphic designer by profession where he worked for 10 years in advertising agencies. He is currently working as a graphic designer accompanying his projects with illustration and photography, which he also practices as much of the time as possible.

Current Location
Santiago, Chile


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