A Family Day of Fun by Jose Juniel Rivera-Negron

In a typical day at the Riverwalk Park in Tampa, where families go and have a nice day with their kids and loved ones. I saw these ladies with their kids riding their scooters, and I thought it would be the perfect moment to capture with the “Black Box with a Hole”, and make that special moment a story to remember.

Nikon Z50 with 50-250 | Exposure 1/250sec @ f/5.3| ISO 100 | Focal Length 225mm

A Family Day of Fun by Jose Juniel Rivera-Negron

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Award Winner
Photo of the Day

Award Date
October 15, 2023



Value 12
Clarity 11
Composition 16
Style 11
Skill 11

Jose was born in the small tropical Island of Puerto Rico. Since a child he always had dreams, dreams to become a someone and travel the world. Then when he came to the USA, he confronted hard situations where streets, alcohol, and drugs was always there. However, after many years, one day he woke up and said “this is not for me”, so that’s when he went and completed rehabilitation. He thinks it is life that makes him to love photography, He wishes he had a camera in those crazy days to show the world how people are destroying their lives today. He wants to thank Light and Composition and its staff for letting him follow his dreams and achieve his goals and travel the world to show everyone that its possible even if you are 37 years old, is never to late for anything.

Current Location
Tampa, Florida, USA



20 replies
  1. Erica Gabriela
    Erica Gabriela says:

    This picture reminds me of my daughter who loves to be outside and ride her scooter! This picture has reminded me to continue letting my daughter be a kid for as long as I can !

  2. Manny
    Manny says:

    Awesome photograph! It’s hard to find kids playing without phones and enjoying life the way we used to as kids. Keep following your dreams. The sky is the limit and yet many people had gone beyond.

  3. Titerita
    Titerita says:

    This picture chooses us true happiness with the simplest things in life, friendship, family, and true bond🤩


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