Day for Walk by Diana Ivanova

This route starts in the council-maintained car park at the end of Beach Road in Portballintrae. Follow the path that leads from the car park down towards the beach. Bear left across Three Quarter Mile Bridge that crosses the Bush River. Bear left through the sand dunes to emerge onto Runkerry Beach, and follow the beach along its length. At the top of the beach, bear left onto a path that runs along the front of Runkerry’s house to follow the cliff-top path northwards. Follow this path along the coast.

Day for Walk by Diana Ivanova

Nikon D3300 with 70-200mm | Exposure 1/100sec @ f/11 | ISO 100

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Award Winner
Photo of the Day

Award Date
November 8, 2022



Value 11
Clarity 12
Composition 16
Style 12
Skill 11

Award Category
Landscape Photography

Photograph Location
Portballintrae, Northern Ireland

Diana Ivanova was born in Bulgaria and now lives in Portrush, Northern Ireland. Her passion is photography. To her photography is her life, a way of movement, learning and discovering as she loves traveling and taking photos with her camera. Her dream is that her photographs get featured.

Current Location
Portrush, Northern Ireland



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