Winter Day in Cultural Landscape by Frank Ivar Hansen

The picture is taken on a winter day in cultural landscape. Cold in the air but little snow on the ground. I walked around the Søndre Jeløy area of Moss, Norway – a city about a 45 min drive south of Oslo. The cold day gave interesting content to the sky and diffuse light in the landscape. The hiking paths on southern Jeløy leads to many places in near connection to the sea in a landscape where the avenues, stone walls, mansions, and gardens are the dominant features in this landscape. Cultural historicaly these places has its backgrounds from when the farmproperties and gardens where purchased from rich city families and officials in the 17th and 18 houndreds.

Photo of the day 25082020 1n

iPhone7 | Exposure 1/44sec f/1.8 | ISO 20 | Focal Length 3.99mm

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Award Winner
Photo of the Day

Award Date
March 25, 2022



Value 11
Clarity 11
Composition 16
Style 11
Skill 11

Award Category
Nature Photography

Photograph Location

Born in 1956 in Moss, Norway. Frank Ivar Hansen is a writer and photographer. His member of Biofoto, an organization of photographers in Norway. Frank Ivar buy his first camera then he was 15 years old so he has been photographing many years, and has a collection, of images of flowers, birds, insect, art and general landscapes. Images inLight & Composition is from his Instagram galleryHe have wrote 3 books about nature in Norway.

Current Location
Moss, Norway




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