Sharper Feelings by Yury Rephar

One of the walks in the park with distant relatives. Girl Dasha is their daughter. She is almost always out of age serious and judicious. Looking at her, I recall a quote from John Steinbeck’s book “East of Eden,” Mr. Truck, do you think that people’s aspirations become important only from a certain age? Do you now have sharper feelings or clearer thoughts than at ten? Do you perceive the sounds, colors, smells of the world as brightly and vividly as then?

Photo of the day 09062020 1n

Nikon D7000 | Exposure 1/160sec f /5.6 | ISO 250 | Focal Length 18 mm

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Award Winner
Photo of the Day

Award Date
January 9, 2022



Value 12
Clarity 12
Composition 18
Style 13
Skill 12

Award Category
Candid Photography

Photograph Location
Saint-Peters-Burg, Russia

Yuri Rephar was born in Belarus in 1967. I traveled a lot with my parents in the Soviet Union. He served in the army and since 2002 settled in St. Petersburg. Graduated from St. Petersburg Polytechnic University. Works in the field of information technology. Married, has three children. Engaged in photography professionally as extra income and as a hobby (for the soul).

Current Location
Saint-Petersburg, Russia



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