Malacca Graffiti by Montasir Khandker

If the graffiti of Malaysia is the topic of discussion, George Town, Penang will secure the crown undoubtedly. But Malacca being the UNESCO- listed twin, is the other place where the local artists are expanding their efforts to turn their walls into colorful from being just an ordinary. Over the last few years, the local artists of Malacca have decorated the walls with the stroke of their colorful brushstrokes. These arts can be seen almost everywhere in Malacca but few places like the riverside, the surroundings of Jonker street, Malaysia-China Friendship Botanical Square, etc. are some of the great spots to find these arts.

Photo of the day 05072020 1n

Olympus OM-1 with OM System Zuiko 50mm | 1/125 @ f/8 | EI 250 | Focal Length 50mm

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Award Winner
Photo of the Day

Award Date
February 5, 2022



Value 11
Clarity 11
Composition 16
Style 11
Skill 10

Award Category
Street Photography

Photograph Location
Malacca, Malaysia

Montasir Khandker picked up photography as his hobby in his college days with an old rangefinder- Yashica Electro 35. Soon his hobby turned out to be his passion. He is, however, an amateur photographer, whose works include components that await to tell a story that is visually captivating. Montasir was born and brought up in Bangladesh and now living in Malaysia.

Current Location
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia




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