A Little Friend by Kirsten Bruening

A few years ago my children had a school project. How can you make your home garden attractive to squirrels? Since then we have been feeding generations of squirrels. Our little friends stay loyal to us for years and keep coming back and bringing their children with them.Sir Lancelot is a very young squirrel and a little shy. However, he’s already a little snob. Sir Lancelot only eats hazelnuts, walnuts, apples or pumpkins, he likes to spit on the window panes in disgust.

Photo of the day 17022021 1n

Nikon Z7 | Exposure 1/80 sec @ f/5.6 | ISO 640 | Focal Length 70mm

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Award Winner
Photo of the Day

Award Date
February 17, 2021



Value 13
Clarity 12.5
Composition 18
Style 12.5
Skill 12

Award Category
Wildlife Photography

Photograph Location
Koln, Germany

Kirsten Bruening is an amateur photographer and lives near Cologne. Her passion for photography started in her childhood and she spent many years exploring analogue photography. After a long break of fifteen years, she returned to photography. She loves black and white photography in nature, portraiture, and wildlife. She believes nothing can convey more expression to emotions and beauty than the play of light and shadow. She plans an extra-occupational study in photography and wants to deepen her knowledge.

Current Location
Cologne, Germany


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