Mystery in a Historic Place by Sandhya Kumari

Historic places are always about mystery and stories; and I also tried to do the same by photographing the mystery in it as if there are souls. Many souls left their life with an identity but exist as we remember them.

Photo of the day 05112020 1n

Canon EOS 1300D with 55-250mm | Exposure f/6.3 @ 1/200s || ISO 100 | Focal Length 18mm

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Award Winner
Photo of the Day

Award Date
August 3, 2022



Value 12
Clarity 13
Composition 18
Style 12.5
Skill 13

Photograph Location
Safdarjang Tomb, New Delhi, India

Sandhya, born in New Delhi, India, who wants to explore the every end of the country and wants to live a beautiful to worst side of life of different places in her traveling. She wants to see the beauty of life through someone’s eyes, wants to feel the pain through her lens & wants to make it bearable to live a life.

Current Location
New Delhi, India



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