Hidden Heroes by Sarvenaz Rafieepour

I took this photo of my team and my teammates on the softball international day in 2018. Iranian softball girls celebrate this day on their own every year. These girls have been practising for many years. They become champions. They are the hidden heroes for their selfless dedication, love, and their passion.

Photo of the day 27052020 1n

NIKON D7100 | Exposure 1/2000 sec @ f/4 | ISO 100 | Focal Length 24mm

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Award Winner
Photo of the Day

Award Date
May 27, 2020



Value 12
Clarity 12
Composition 17
Style 12
Skill 12

Award Category
Documentary Photography

Photograph Location
Tehran, Iran

Sarvenaz Rafieepour was born in Iran, and lives in Tehran. Her passion for photography started from her childhood. She spent several years on analog photography. She believes that there are moments ahead of us where everything is arranged, so that you have to press the Shutter button. She loves traveling and uses any of her free time to travel, especially to indigenous areas. She thinks that man is born to travel.

Current Location
Tehran, Iran


59 replies
  1. Sarah Rashidi
    Sarah Rashidi says:

    Wow. Aside from the best possible compisition that could be made out of this scene, colors speak here in a magical way…good job dear Sarvenaz✨

  2. Farah
    Farah says:

    The bright colors is outside and with in these strong, brave, and committed softball players! Nice capture ????


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