Under Construction by Shri Chandra Satryotomo

This photo was taken when workers were installing a roof truss on a residential project on Jalan Dempo, in Jakarta, Indonesia. They support each other to support to complete the work. The weather was cloudy, so there was no sun shining, which resulted in photos like silhouettes. Their skills are interesting to shoot through the lens.

Photo of the day 17062020 1n

Fuji XT2 with 18-55mm | Exposure 1/1100sec @ f/5.6 | ISO 200 | Focal Length 23.3mm

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Award Winner
Photo of the Day

Award Date
June 17, 2020



Value 11
Clarity 12
Composition 17
Style 13
Skill 11

Photograph Location
Dempo Street, Jakarta, Indonesia

Shri Chandra Satryotomo aka Tommy, born, grew up and lives in Jakarta, Indonesia. Holding a camera and enjoying photography since 1983 by capturing every activity. He is fond of everything related to photography. With his architectural background, he is used to artistic, scale, composition, proportion. Black and white photography is one of his obsessions to see the world. Like seeing what it is.

Current Location
Saint-Petersburg, Russia



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