The Hand of a Smoker by Lenka Vojtechova

Regardless of the deadly outcome of smoking, I’ve had a time when I was fascinated by hands with cigarette. I am still not sure why exactly, maybe the reason is that just seems calmly for me. It also always reminds me my favorite quote by Kurt Cobain. “Its better to burn out than fade away.”. This is actually hand of my dad and it was taken when he was working in the garden.

Photo of the day 30072020 1n 1

Olympus SP-820UZ | Exposure 1/80s @ f/5.5 | Focal Length 34 mm | ISO 400

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Award Winner
Photo of the Day

Award Date
July 30, 2020



Value 12
Clarity 12
Composition 18
Style 12
Skill 11

Photograph Location
Dubec, Czech Republic

Born in the Czech Republic in a small village near Tachov. Photography has always been perceived by her as a kind of a therapy. Being a big fan of music, Lenka finds the most inspiration in front of the stages capturing artists. Her preference is black and white photography as she believes that demonstrates emotions, feelings and soul of the objects in the photos the best way.

Current Location
Tachov, Czech Republic


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