Hatsumode by Makiko Ono

Most of the Japanese visit a shrine at the beginning of the new year. We thank god for the past year and make a wish for the luck of the entire new year. That’s the Hatsumode, and I captured the god of the shrine while I do Hatsumode. The shrine is a facility where the god stays, and god is not a specific person. Anything can be gods such as architecture, the sky, the cloud, and the tree. Looking up the shrine and saw “the god is everywhere” through my camera.

Photo of the day 08072020 1n

Sony Xperia XZ1 | Exposure 1/1000 @ f/2 | ISO 40 | Focal Length 4.4mm

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Award Winner
Photo of the Day

Award Date
July 8, 2020



Value 11
Clarity 12
Composition 16
Style 12
Skill 11

Photograph Location
Tokyo, Japan

Born in Japan, Makiko Ono, an ordinary woman, lives in Ichikawa city in Chiba prefecture mostly, but when she can, she looks around the wonderland things in the world to discover the truth of invisible and visible things. Since she loves stars of mystery, she stars at night. She is now working for one of the boutiques of her family’s company.

Current Location
Ichikawa, Japan




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