A Winter Way by Nadzeya Arbuzava

This photo was taken on a special winter day. Day like this happens in Belarus once or twice a year. Everything that is on the street in the morning was covered with a layer of snow, each twig, each roof, and a thick layer of snow lay on the road. I really love these sunny winter days. That day, I just got off the bus at the bus stop and saw this incredible path.

Photo of the day 10022020 1n

Samsung Galaxy S7 | Exposure 1/3392s @ f/2 | ISO 50 | Focal Length 4.2mm

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Award Winner
Photo of the Day

Award Date
February 10, 2020



Value 12
Clarity 13
Composition 18
Style 13
Skill 12

Award Category
Nature Photography

Photograph Location
Minsk, Belarus

Nadya Arbuzava from Minsk, Belarus. She loves to travel and loves life. Graduated from medical university. She always strives to motivate people for the better, to teach to feel life and happiness every day. She loves taking pictures of nature, the sea, flowers, architecture and of course taking selfies. Nadya wants to show people what a wonderful world we live in.

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