Praying by Nicole Laris

Religion is the most important thing in India. I came inside this temple during the day, the Golden Temple, I found this beautiful family praying together in silence and after they finished I asked a little bit about the history of the place, which they happily explained to me and made me feel welcome.

Photo of the day 31072019 1n

NIKON D7000 | Exposure 1/100 s @ f/3.4 | ISO 250 | 24 mm

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Award Winner
Photo of the Day

Award Date
July 31, 2019



Value 13
Clarity 12
Composition 17
Style 12
Skill 12

Award Category
Travel Photography

Photograph Location
Amritsar, India

Born and raised in Mexico City, Nicole Laris relocated in Berlin, Germany in 2018 to follow her true passion, photography. Within the years of experience in Mexico, photography never represented more than a part-time job, until the spark of traveling came along and self grown started to be the main goal in life. Believing in art, in your art, will contribute to society in levels of inspiration you can’t imagine, which will eventually will lead to become the best version of yourself.After getting a degree in the entertainment management business, life became a routine with the main goal of going where the money was, without time or opportunities to discover hidden talents, passions or inspirations. Decided to pack a camera and give adventure a go. It has become challenging, I won’t lie, besides the job opportunities, there is always self doubt and insecurity to take risks, but photography has been a life changing lesson, it has made grow, learn, teach, read, be confident and always try to get better from the mistakes made in the past, this includes from photography to personal decisions.

Current Location
Berlin, Germany



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