Iceberg Bouldering, by Karin Eibenberger
During an expedition to the West Coast of Greenland, we were settled in the small village of Saqqaq for a couple of days. One night, the wind was blowing the smaller icebergs from the open water right into the bay were some of them stranded, and a full moon additionally made for a very high tide so that the icebergs could easily float onto land. We just took our ice climbing equipment and went for some bouldering fun on the stranded ice giants.

EOS 5D Mk III with Canon 24-70mm | Exposure f/14 @ 1/250s | ISO 200 | Focal Length 25mm
Iceberg Bouldering, by Karin Eibenberger
Award Winner: Photo of the Day | January 10
Award Score: 68.5 (Value 13, Clarity 13, Composition 18, Style 12, Skill 12.5)
Photo of the Day Award Category: Adventure Photography
Photograph Location: Saqqaq | Greenland
Photographer: Karin Eibenberger (Waidhofen, Austria / Baltimore, MD, USA) Registered
Karin Eibenberger (28) was born and raised in Waidhofen/Ybbs, Lower Austria. She has a Master’s Degree in Scandinavian and German literature and worked as freelance translator, tour and exhibition guide before she started her second career as Biomedical Engineer. Karin currently lives in Baltimore, US, where she works as research associate and Master Student at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine.
In her private life, she married and has countless hobbies ranging from motorcycling over photography to trekking and backpacking, mountainbiking, traveling, kayaking, and – quite new – climbing. She rather prefers carrying a 30 kg heavy backpack through Alaska than leaving the camera behind. Photography has always been an integral part of her life and for Karin it’s a way to communicate and to show others how beautiful the world is outside their living rooms. With photography, one can address emotions and feelings directly, giving this medium a lot of potential power.
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