Photo of the Day Award Showcase

Explore the Very Moments of Our Presence on This Earth

The journey of Photo of the Day is endless, from one continent to the next, a journey that gives one an understanding of people, nature, and culture. We believe, when one feels it from the heart and captures the moment with their camera, it becomes iconic, which is special to share with the whole world. Let’s share it with others.

Explore the Award from:   Photo Exhibition Board   |   the Intricacies of Photography

Stand for, Stand with

To Victory by Shahnaz Parvin

16th December is our victory day, the victory of red and green. The color red in our national flag represents the 3 million people who were brutally killed by Pakistani Army in 1971. And the color green represents the ever green Bangladesh.…
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Self by Hugo Baptista

During the peak of the perseid meteor shower on 12th of august 2012 I went out to Noordwijk, The Nederlands to shoot a time-lapse of the night sky until sun rise. Here is the result of that time-lapse layered with starstax:…
Photo of the day 14122012 2

The Most Sacred Place, by Ahmed Al.Badawy

This was my first visit to Al-Masjid al-Haram, the most sacred place in the world. It was 1am, a typical night around the Ka’aba. Muslims worldwide turn towards Ka’aba, as unique direction while offering daily prayers. Late at night, when it’s almost empty, it was a good opportunity to see the people's behavior surrounds the Ka’aba, and observed their reactions closely. You can see some people were overtaken by emotion and love, that they simply can't resist rushing towards the Ka'bah and clinging onto the cloth, crying and kissing it with respect, remembering Ibrahim (A.S.), remembering the teaching of Mohammad (Pbuh), the messenger of Allah, that they have followed throughout their life. They are not worshiping it, rather feeling the connection to it. And those who are strong in their understanding, praying the night prayers, or performing a tawaf. To me it’s almost impossible to describe this photo without considering people's feelings there, especially when I was sharing the same feelings.
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