Tag Archive for: Scotland

Photo of the day 28052012

Photographing Daisy, by Kurien Koshy Yohannan

Some of the best shots of flowers are got when the photographer gets down to eye-level of the flower being photographed. Though in some cases a top-down approach is effective, in most cases eye-level shots create some pretty amazing results.…
Photo of the day 17052012

New Life, by Kurien Koshy Yohannan

The season of Spring is associated with New Life and this is exactly what I wanted to portray through this image. Two colorful crocus buds, just about to bloom, breaking through a field of fresh, green grass embodies what Spring is all about…
Photo of the day 24042012

Blue Tit, by Kurien Koshy Yohannan

Springtime is usually associated with green grass, new foliage and blossoming flowers but the other distinct sign that everything is coming to life is the sweet song of birds. The air is filled with the sweet sound of melodious tunes as various…
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