Evgeny Ivanov
Evgeny Ivanov is 27 years old and lives in Russian provincial town Orenburg near the Ural mountains. Photography and travelling are his two greatest passions, which he is now turning into profession. His travel photo portfolio includes photos from India, Poland, Italy, Russia, Austria, Czech Republic and many more. He believes “Color and its play, as well as clean composition, is the most important key in of all travel photos.” Next year he is heading for several expeditions to the Russian national parks in the N-W region, planing a trip to South-Eastern Asia and will gladly take any requests for travel photos from these areas.

Evgeny Ivanov
Current Location: Orenburg, Russia
Website: http://photo.zoommer.ru
Linkedin: http://ru.linkedin.com/in/zoommer
Twitter: http://twitter.com/photo_zoommer
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