Tag Archive for: Luca Renoldi

Beautiful Pain
Pain and beauty, are they dissimilar? Can pain ever be beautiful? I think it can. No kind of sensation is keener and more active than that of pain. Its impressions are unmistakable. It can charm us from our mortal guise and remind us of the…

Sunflower, by Luca Renoldi
I took this photo of Sunflower at Public Market at Seattle. Sunflower is recognized worldwide for its vibrant color, and beauty. The flower petals within the sunflower's cluster are usually in a spiral pattern. Typically, there are 34 spirals…

Rose, by Luca Renoldi
For a touchy-feely person, rose means a lot. It makes them happy, and smiles back if they are sad, and to
some, it’s a symbol of love. It’s a flower that meant to bring happiness in life. I took this photograph of rose in my garden in Monza,…