Tag Archive for: Leanne Lindsay Photography

A Smile by Leanne LindsayA Smile by Leanne Lindsay

A Smile by Leanne Lindsay

Clowns - Love them or hate them? For me, it's definitely a love/hate relationship. I love the theatre, but I have a phobia of clowns. I'm trying to take more photos of clowns in the hope that it might help. This photo was taken at Sydney's Luna Park. This clown was just spinning a hula hoop but had the most gorgeous, genuine smile. I just had to ask her if I could take her photo. Of course, she said 'Yes'. '.
A Man and His Phone by Leanne LindsayA Man and His Phone by Leanne Lindsay

A Man and His Phone by Leanne Lindsay

We were setting up for some night shots at Darling Harbour - the city lights shimmering on the water were calling my photographer's soul! But next to me, hubby looked a little...well, bored. Let's be honest, night photography isn't everyone's cup of tea. Then, of course, the phone came out. Just as I turned to give him a gentle nudge (because come on, Sydney Harbour at night!), I saw the way the single streetlamp cast light on his face. It was like a spotlight, highlighting his concentration on the screen. In that split second, I knew I had to capture it! Now, I don't know what magical meme or cat video stole his attention that night, but this black and white shot perfectly captures the contrast - the dazzling city bokeh waiting to be captured, and the ever-present allure of the phone screen.
Vanilla & Pistacchio Macarons by Leanne Lindsay

Vanilla and Pistachio Macarons by Leanne Lindsay

Who doesn't love French Macarons? I know I do, and I love baking them and photographing them, probably even more than I love eating them. This day, vanilla and pistachio were on the menu, and they didn't disappoint. The light in my apartment was perfect for food photography, so I spent the day in perfect bliss, taking many photographs of my macarons. I always feel at peace after baking and spending time with my camera - Heaven.
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