Tag Archive for: Klara Marciniak Photography

The Edge by Klara Marciniak
The picture was taken in the Santa Barbara castle in Alicante. The two tourists express their boundless joy and desire for freedom. The endless sea stretches behind them, as if they were standing on the edge of the world. On the picture we can see the special meeting of the different materials that build our world: solid stone, liquid water and air.

A Shetland Sheepdog by Klara Marciniak
The photograph was taken in my hometown, in the city park in Kalocsa, southern Hungary, in the fall of 2022. This is my dog, a Shetland Sheepdog named Whisky.

Klara Marciniak
Klara is a half Polish half Hungarian dedicated hobby photographer based in Alicante, Spain. Her true passion is the urban photography; document everyday life to preserve it for generations to come. She loves to share her - literally speaking - point of view with other people and show common, everyday things from a different, unique perspective. When not behind the camera, Klara works in a family publishing house and enjoys to spend her time with her three years old daughter.