Photo of the Day Award Showcase

Explore the Very Moments of Our Presence on This Earth

The journey of Photo of the Day is endless, from one continent to the next, a journey that gives one an understanding of people, nature, and culture. We believe, when one feels it from the heart and captures the moment with their camera, it becomes iconic, which is special to share with the whole world. Let’s share it with others.

Explore the Award from:   Photo Exhibition Board   |   the Intricacies of Photography

Best Friends by Leanne LindsayBest Friends by Leanne Lindsay

Best Friends by Leanne Lindsay

This little girl had lost her bunny a few weeks before this photograph was taken, her loyal friend, her confidante and bedtime companion. His father had searched everywhere and reached out on social media to see if anyone had located it. After some sleepless nights, her bunny was located safe and well and they were reunited. It was time to document her relationship with her bunny. This boardwalk is nearby, where you can walk through the mangroves, and it would be a good place to take photos of them together. We spent about an hour skipping through the mangroves, dancing with Bunny, twirling him around, making him pretend cups of tea and fighting off ‘swamp monsters’ with sticks.
The Lesson by Leanne Lindsay

The Lesson by Leanne Lindsay

On a family holiday to Tasmania, we decided to hike through a beautiful rainforest to a spectacular waterfall. Half of the family turned back during the walk as it was quite a hike, but my eldest grandson and I decided to push on. The rainforest we were walking through was thousands of years old but bore the scars of gold mining – old, abandoned mine shafts, leftover pieces of tram tracks, and abandoned mining equipment littered the rainforest. However, the rainforest was taking back its territory; the tram tracks were disintegrating and had moss and lichen growing over them. I used this opportunity to teach my grandson about the destructive nature of mining and how we must preserve our rainforests and native vegetation. I am also teaching him photography, so I set the camera up on a tripod, set the timer, and took this photo. It was one of those moments you want to remember.
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