The Other Side by Anastasia Markus

This photo was taken at a regular child photoshoot, in autumn 2017 in Kyiv. I wanted to use the mirror to show the other side of this beautiful place. We played with mirror to take different shoots and moods. It was fun, and finally we found what we were searching for – a nice meaningful shoot.

Photo of the day 26122020 1n

Canon 1Dx with 16-35mm | Exposure 1/1000 @ f/2.8 | ISO 640 | Focal Length 35mm

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Award Winner
Photo of the Day

Award Date
September 26, 2022



Value 12.5
Clarity 13
Composition 18
Style 12.5
Skill 13

Award Category
Portrait Photography

Photograph Location
Kiyv, Ukraine

Anastasia Markus was born in Ukraine in Donetsk, studied business at the university, then became interested in photography, and devoted all her time to it. These were children’s, family, wedding photography. In 2014, for obvious reasons, she had to leave photography for 10 years, but there is no limit to perfection, so there is a desire to learn and participate in competitions. She believes the spirit of competition opens up new facets for creativity and breathes into something new.

Current Location
Beer Sheva, Israel


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