The One by Nahid Hassan

The old man with long beard and hair style looks like as a Baul Saint, who lives in a beautiful town named Dhamrai, where Hindu’s attractive festival the annual Jagannath Roth Jatra takes place. He has a very small shop where he repairs local musical instruments for a long time.

Photo of the day 11092020 1n

OPPO a37fw | Exposure 1/120sec @ f/2.2 | ISO 100 | Focal Length 3mm

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Award Winner
Photo of the Day

Award Date
May 11, 2022



Value 12
Clarity 12
Composition 17
Style 12
Skill 11

Award Category
Portrait Photography

Photograph Location
Dhaka, Bangladesh

Nahid Hassan who born in Bangladesh and lives in Dhaka city. He is working as a Chemist in a lab. Nahid’s interested zone movies, instrumental music and the prime one to reveal moments through pictures. That’s why he always try to search something from his 3rd eye with his little gear. He wants to know more about photography, want to travel around the world.

Current Location
Dhaka, Bangladesh


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